
Product registration

A correct registration with the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s product register may require some careful consideration. Compared to creating a safety data sheet, it typically requires more and more precise information. In addition, there are requirements for registering the business itself and annual volume reporting, which can add to the overall workload. If you have the right expertise and have allocated enough time, you certainly have a fair chance to succeed. The problems we encounter when product registrations typically arise due to a lack of time or knowledge (or some combination of the two).

KemRisk workflow

When helping clients with registrations for the product register, we apply a tried-and-tested workflow. Although each assignment is unique, it normally follows these steps:

  1. Assessment
  2. Account activation
  3. Collection and verification of documentation
  4. Registration
  5. Volume reporting
  6. Receipt

You can read more about “Rules on reporting to the Products Register” at the Swedish Chemicals Agency website here.

Chemical information specialists ready to assist

We think you’re looking for a partner who knows product registrations inside and out, someone to do the heavy lifting for you. Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day and managing product registrations does require some insight and attention to detail.

Let us provide you with the expert support you need.

Need help registering your chemical products?